how do I find unique values in a column and sort them using pandas and python?

To find and sort unique values in a column using pandas and python, you can use the unique() function with the sort_values() function. The unique() function will return the unique values in the column, while the sort_values() function will sort them in either ascending or descending order. For example, df[‘column_name’].unique().sort_values(ascending=False) can be used to return the unique values in a column sorted in descending order.

You can use the following basic syntax to find the unique values in a column of a pandas DataFrame and then sort them:


This will return a pandas Series that contains each unique value in a column sorted in ascending order.

To instead sort the unique values in descending order, use ascending=False:


The following example shows how to use this syntax in practice.

Example: Find Unique Values in Pandas Column and Sort Them

Suppose we have the following pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

#create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'team': ['A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B'],
                   'points': [5, 5, 9, 12, 12, 5, 10, 13, 13, 19]})

#view DataFrame

  team  points
0    A       5
1    A       5
2    A       9
3    A      12
4    A      12
5    B       5
6    B      10
7    B      13
8    B      13
9    B      19

We can use the following syntax to get the unique values from the points column and then sort them in ascending order:

#get unique values in points column and sort them

0     5
2     9
6    10
3    12
7    13
9    19
Name: points, dtype: int64

The output displays each of the unique values in the points column sorted in ascending order:

  • 5
  • 9
  • 10
  • 12
  • 13
  • 19

We can also get the unique values in the points column sorted in descending order by specifying ascending=False within the sort_values() function:

#get unique values in points column and sort them in descending order

9    19
7    13
3    12
6    10
2     9
0     5
Name: points, dtype: int64

The output displays each of the unique values in the points column sorted in descending order:

  • 19
  • 13
  • 12
  • 10
  • 9
  • 5

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common functions in pandas:
