How do I Export Data from SAS to Text File?

Exporting data from SAS to a text file is a straightforward process that involves using the EXPORT procedure in the DATA step. The EXPORT procedure has several options that allow you to control the format of the text file, including the delimiter, the naming of the text file, and the data types. Once the procedure is set up, you can easily export data from SAS to a text file with the output statement. Once the data is in the text file, it can be easily imported into other applications.

You can use the PROC EXPORT statement to quickly export data from SAS to a text file.

This procedure uses the following basic syntax:

/*export data to file called my_data.txt*/
proc export data=my_data

Here’s what each line does:

  • data: Name of dataset to export
  • outfile: Location to export text file
  • dmbs: File format to use for export (tab is used for text files)
  • replace: Replace the file if it already exists

The following examples show how to use this function in practice.

Example 1: Export Dataset to Text File with Default Settings

Suppose we have the following dataset in SAS that contains information about various basketball players:

/*create dataset*/
data my_data;
    input rating points assists rebounds;
90 25 5 11
85 20 7 8
82 14 7 10
88 16 8 6
94 27 5 6
90 20 7 9
76 12 6 6
75 15 9 10
87 14 9 10
86 19 5 7

/*view dataset*/
proc print data=my_data;

We can use the following code to export this dataset to a text file called my_data.txt:

/*export dataset*/
proc export data=my_data

I can then navigate to the location on my computer where I exported the file and view it:

The data in the text file matches the dataset from SAS.

Example 2: Export Dataset to Text File with Custom Settings

You can also use the delimiter and putnames arguments to change the delimiter that separates the values and remove the header row from the dataset.

/*export dataset*/
proc export data=my_data

I can then navigate to the location on my computer where I exported the file and view it:

Notice that the header row has been removed and the values are separated by semi-colons instead of commas.

Note: You can find the complete documentation for the PROC EXPORT statement .

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in SAS:

How to Import Text Files into SAS
