How do I convert date of birth to age in excel with examples?

To convert a date of birth to age in Excel, you will need to use the DATEDIF function, which takes three arguments: the start date (the date of birth), the end date (the current date), and the unit of time (in this case, “Y” for years). For example, if the date of birth is in cell A2 and the current date is in cell B2, the formula would be =DATEDIF(A2,B2,”Y”). This will return the age in years between the two dates.

You can use the following formulas to convert date of birth to age in Excel:

Formula 1: Convert Date of Birth to Age in Years (e.g. 23 years)


Formula 2: Convert Date of Birth to Age in Decimal Years (e.g. 23.567 years)


Formula 3: Convert Date of Birth to Age in Years, Months, Days (e.g. 23 years, 6 months, 25 days)

=DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"ym")&" months, "&DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"md")&" days"

Each formula assumes that the date of birth is located in cell A2.

The following examples show how to use each formula in practice with the following list of birth dates in Excel:

Example 1: Convert Date of Birth to Age in Years

To convert the date of birth to age for cell A2, we can type the following formula into cell B2:


We can then click and drag this formula down to each remaining cell in column B:

Excel convert date of birth to age

Column B displays the age for each birth date in column A in terms of years.

Example 2: Convert Date of Birth to Age in Decimal Years


We can then click and drag this formula down to each remaining cell in column B:

Excel convert date of birth to age in decimal years

Column B displays the age for each birth date in column A in terms of decimal years.

Example 3: Convert Date of Birth to Age in Years, Months, Days

To convert the date of birth to an age in years, months and days for cell A2, we can type the following formula into cell B2:

=DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"ym")&" months, "&DATEDIF(A2,NOW(),"md")&" days"

We can then click and drag this formula down to each remaining cell in column B:

Excel convert date of birth to age in years, months, and days

Column B displays the age for each birth date in column A in terms of years, months, and days.
