How do I calculate the accuracy percentage in Google Sheets?

To calculate the accuracy percentage in Google Sheets, you can use the formula (correct/total)*100, where “correct” represents the number of correct data points and “total” represents the total number of data points. This formula will give you the accuracy percentage, which is a measure of how close your data is to the actual or expected value. It can be useful in evaluating the performance of a model or the accuracy of data entry.

Accuracy percentage is a metric that is used to measure the accuracy of a predicted value relative to an actual value.

The closer the accuracy percentage is to 100%, the closer the predicted value is to the actual value.

Conversely, the closer the accuracy percentage is to 0%, the further the predicted value is from the actual value.

The following step-by-step example shows how to calculate accuracy percentage in Google Sheets.

Step 1: Ener the Data

First, let’s create a dataset that shows the predicted sales vs. actual sales in seven different retail stores for some company:

Step 2: Calculate Accuracy Percentage

Suppose we would like to calculate the accuracy percentage of each predicted sales value relative to the actual sales value for each store.

To do so, we can type the following formula into cell D2:


We can then click and drag this value down to each remaining cell in column D:

Google Sheets calculate accuracy percentage

Step 3: Format Values as Percentage

Lastly, highlight the range D2:D8 and then click the percent ( % ) icon along the top ribbon:

Google Sheets calculate accuracy percentage

Each of the values in column D are now formatted as percentages.

The closer the accuracy percentage is to 100%, the closer the predicted sales value was relative to the actual sales values.

An accuracy percentage of 100% means that the predicted value perfectly matched the actual value.

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common operations in Google Sheets:
