How do I calculate Square Root and Cube Root in Google Sheets?

To calculate square root and cube root in Google Sheets, you can use the SQRT and POWER functions respectively. The SQRT function takes one argument, which is the number you want to take the square root of. The POWER function takes two arguments, the first being the number you want to take the root of and the second being the exponent of the root you want to take (2 for square root and 3 for cube root).

You can use the following formula to calculate the square root of a value in Google Sheets:


And you can use the following formula to calculate the cube root of a value in Google Sheets:


The following examples show how to use each formula in practice.

Example 1: Calculate Square Root in Google Sheets

The following screenshot shows how to calculate the square root of values in Google Sheets:

square root in Google Sheets

Note that we typed the following formula into cell B2:


We then copy and paste this formula down to every cell in column B.

Example 2: Calculate Cube Root in Google Sheets

The following screenshot shows how to calculate the cube root of values in Google Sheets:

cube root in Google Sheets

Note that we typed the following formula into cell B2:


We then copy and paste this formula down to every cell in column B.

Example 3: Calculate Nth Root in Google Sheets

We can use the following generic formula to calculate the nth root of a value in Google Sheets:


For example, we could use the following formula to calculate the fourth root of a value:


The following screenshot shows how to calculate the fourth root of values in Google Sheets:

Note that we typed the following formula into cell B2:


We then copy and paste this formula down to every cell in column B.
