How can I use VBA to retrieve the row number from a given range?

VBA, or Visual Basic for Applications, is a programming language commonly used in Microsoft Office applications such as Excel. It allows users to automate tasks and manipulate data within a spreadsheet. One useful function of VBA is the ability to retrieve the row number from a given range. This can be achieved by using the “Row” property, which returns the row number of a specific cell or range of cells. By utilizing this feature, users can easily access and manipulate data within a specific row of their spreadsheet, making data management and analysis more efficient and streamlined. With VBA, retrieving row numbers from a given range becomes a simple and effective task.

VBA: Get Row Number from Range

You can use the following methods to get a row number from a range in Excel using VBA:

Method 1: Get Row Number from Specific Range

Sub GetRowNumber()

rowNum = Range("D7").Row
MsgBox rowNum

End Sub

This particular macro will display a message box with the row number that corresponds to cell D7, which would be 7.

Method 2: Get Row Number from Currently Selected Range

Sub GetRowNumber()

rowNum = Selection.Row
MsgBox rowNum

End Sub

This particular macro will display a message box with the row number that corresponds to the currently selected range in Excel.

For example, if you have cell B3 selected when you run this macro then a message box will appear with the value 3 in it.

The following examples show how to use each method in practice.

Example 1: Get Row Number from Specific Range

Suppose we would like to get the row number for the cell reference D7.

We can create the following macro to do so:

Sub GetRowNumber()

rowNum = Range("D7").Row
MsgBox rowNum

End Sub

When we run this macro, we receive the following output:

The message box displays a value of 7, which is the row number for the cell reference D7.

Example 2: Get Row Number from Currently Selected Range

We can create the following macro to do so:

Sub GetRowNumber()

rowNum = Selection.Row
MsgBox rowNum

End Sub

Suppose we currently have cell B3 selected.

When we run this macro, we receive the following output:

The message box displays a value of 3, which is the row number for the currently active cell of B3.

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in VBA:
