How can datetime be inserted in MySQL and what is an example of it?

Datetime can be inserted in MySQL using the INSERT command, which allows users to add data into a specific table and column in the database. An example of inserting datetime in MySQL would be inserting the current date and time into a column called “created_at” in a table called “users”. This can be done using the following query: INSERT INTO users (created_at) VALUES (NOW()); This will automatically insert the current datetime into the “created_at” column for each new row added to the “users” table.

You can use DATETIME to insert a datetime column into a table in MySQL.

When inserting datetimes, they must be in the following format:



  • YYYY: The year in four digits
  • MM: The month in two digits
  • DD: The day in two digits
  • HH: The hours in two digits
  • MM: The minutes in two digits
  • SS: The seconds in two digits

The following example shows how to insert a datetime column into a table in MySQL in practice.

Example: How to Insert Datetime in MySQL

We can use the following syntax to create a table named sales that contains information about sales made at various grocery stores at various times:

-- create table 
  sales_time DATETIME NOT NULL

-- insert rows into table
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (0001, 'Oranges', '2015-01-12 03:45:00');
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (0002, 'Apples', '2020-11-25 15:25:01');
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (0003, 'Bananas', '2009-06-30 09:01:39');
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (0004, 'Melons', '2022-04-09 03:29:55');
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (0005, 'Grapes', '2023-05-19 23:10:04');

-- view all rows in table
SELECT * FROM sales;


| store_ID | item    | sales_time          |
|        1 | Oranges | 2015-01-12 03:45:00 |
|        2 | Apples  | 2020-11-25 15:25:01 |
|        3 | Bananas | 2009-06-30 09:01:39 |
|        4 | Melons  | 2022-04-09 03:29:55 |
|        5 | Grapes  | 2023-05-19 23:10:04 |

Notice that the sales_time column is a datetime column where each of the datetimes are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

If you attempt to insert a datetime in a different format, you will receive an error:

-- insert row into table
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (0006, 'Pears', '5/18/2023 05:56:00');

-- view all rows in table
SELECT * FROM sales;


ERROR 1292 (22007): Incorrect datetime value: '5/18/2023 05:56:00' for column 'sales_time' at row 1

If you would like to insert a datetime into the datetime column in a different format, you can use STR_TO_DATE to do so:

-- insert row into table
INSERT INTO sales VALUES (0006, 'Pears', STR_TO_DATE('5/18/2023 05:56:00', '%m/%d/%Y %H:%i:%s'));

-- view all rows in table
SELECT * FROM sales;


| store_ID | item    | sales_time          |
|        1 | Oranges | 2015-01-12 03:45:00 |
|        2 | Apples  | 2020-11-25 15:25:01 |
|        3 | Bananas | 2009-06-30 09:01:39 |
|        4 | Melons  | 2022-04-09 03:29:55 |
|        5 | Grapes  | 2023-05-19 23:10:04 |
|        6 | Pears   | 2023-05-18 05:56:00 |

By using STR_TO_DATE, we are able to insert this new datetime value without any errors.

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in MySQL:
