# Attributable Risk Calculator what is the attributable risk?

The Attributable Risk Calculator is a tool used to determine the amount of risk that can be attributed to a specific factor. It is used to quantify the effect of a factor on the overall risk of a certain event or outcome. It can be used to compare the potential benefit of different interventions or treatments in a given population.

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This calculator finds the attributable risk, attributable risk percentage, and population attributable risk percentage for a given 2×2 contingency table.

Simply fill in the cells of the table below and then click “Calculate.”

Disease No Disease
Not Exposed

Attributable Risk: 0.08077

Attributable Risk %: 53.30612

Population Attributable Risk %: 17.30718%

function calc() {

//get input data
var A = document.getElementById(‘A’).value;
var B = document.getElementById(‘B’).value;
var C = document.getElementById(‘C’).value;
var D = document.getElementById(‘D’).value;
var N = A – (-1*B) – (-1*C) – (-1*D);

//calculate stuff
var AR = (A/(A-(-1*B))) – (C/(C-(-1*D)));
var ARP = AR / (A/(A-(-1*B))) * 100;
var PAR = ( ((A-(-1*C)) / N) – (C/(C-(-1*D))) ) / ((A-(-1*C)) / N) * 100;

//output results
document.getElementById(‘AR’).innerHTML = AR.toFixed(5);
document.getElementById(‘ARP’).innerHTML = ARP.toFixed(5);
document.getElementById(‘PAR’).innerHTML = PAR.toFixed(5);

} //end calc function
