Purpose In Life Test (PIL)

  1. I am usually

1=Completely bored‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4=Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7=exuberant‚ enthusiastic

  1. Life to me seems

1=Always exciting‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7= completely routine

  1. In life I have

1=No goals or aims at all‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4=neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7=very clear goals and aims

  1. My personal existence is

1= Utterly meaningless without purpose‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4=neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7=very purposeful and meaningful

  1. Every day is

1= constantly new and different‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7= exactly the same

  1. If I could choose‚ I would

1= prefer never to have been born‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7= like nine more lives just like this one

  1. After retiring‚ I would

1= do some of the exciting things I have always wanted to‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7=loaf completely the rest of my life

  1. In achieving life goals I have

1= made no progress whatever‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7=progressed to complete fulfillment

  1. My life is

1= empty‚ filled only with despair‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7=running over with exciting good things

  1. If I should die today‚ I would feel that my life has been

1= very worthwhile‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7= completely worthless

  1. In thinking of my life‚ I

1= often wonder why I exist‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7=always see a reason or my being here

  1. As I view the world in relation to my life‚ the world

1= completely confuses me‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7=fits meaningfully with my life

  1. I am a

1= very irresponsible person‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7=very responsible person

  1. Concerning man’s freedom to make his own choices‚ I believe man is

1= absolutely free to make all life choices‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7= completely bound by limitations of heredity and environment

  1. With regard to death‚ I am

1= prepared and unafraid‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7= unprepared and frightened

  1. With regard to suicide‚ I have

1= thought of it seriously as a way out‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7=never given it a second thought

  1. I regard my ability to find a meaning‚ purpose‚ or mission in life as

1= very great‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7= practically none

  1. My life is

1= in my hands and I am in control of it‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7= out of my hands and controlled by external factors

  1. Facing my daily tasks is

1= a source of pleasure and satisfaction‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7= a painful and boring experience

  1. I have discovered

1= no mission or purpose in life‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4= Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7= clear-cut goals and a satisfying life purpose?



This instrument can be found on pages 216-218 of “Interdependence of Spirituality and Well-Being Among KOREAN Elders and Family Caregivers”. Available online at: https://www.nursing.arizona.edu/Library/081_Kim_Suk-Sun.pdf



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Suk-Sun Kim. (2008). Interdependence of Spirituality and Well-Being Among KOREAN Elders and Family Caregivers. THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA .Phd Dissertation.

Robinson‚ John P.‚ Shaver‚ Phillip R. (1969). Measures of Political Attitudes. Institute for Social Research‚ University of Michigan/. Ann Arbor‚ Michigan.

Crumbaugh‚ J. C.‚ & Maholick‚ L. T. (1969).Manual of instructions for the Purpose in Life test. Abilene‚TX: Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy.

Crumbaugh‚ J. C.‚ & Henrion‚ R. (1988). The PIL test: Administration‚ interpretation‚ uses‚ theory andcritique.The International Forum for Logotherapy‚ 11‚ 76–88.

Hutzell‚ R. R. (1988). A review of the Purpose in Life test.The International Forum for Logotherapy‚ 11‚ 89–101.

Schulenberg‚ S. E.‚ & Melton‚ A. M. A. (2010). A confirmatory factor-analytic evaluation of the Purpose inLife test: Preliminary psychometric support for a replicable two-factor model.Journal of HappinessStudies‚ 11‚ 95–111.

Schulenberg‚ Stefan.‚ Schnetzer‚ Lindsay.‚ Buchanan‚ Erin. (2011). The Purpose in Life Test-Short Form: Development and Psychometric Support. Journal of Happiness Studies‚ 12(5)‚ 861-876.
