False Self Scale-Relationships with Other Christians

Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the statements listed below. Answer each item based on your experiences in relationship with God. We are interested in how you generally experience your relationship with God‚ not just in what is happening in that relationship currently.
1= Strongly disagree. 2= Somewhat disagree‚ 3= Neither agree nor disagree‚ 4= Somewhat Agree‚ 5= Strongly Agree
___1. It is harder to be myself when I am interacting with other Christians than when I am not.
___2. I feel I have to act a certain way to please other Christians.
___3. I feel like I am a different person when I am interacting with other Christians.
___4. In order for other Christians to like me‚ I cannot reveal cel1ain things about myself to them.
___5. I don’t really act like my true self when I am interacting with other Christians.
___6. Other Christians appreciate me for who I am.
___7. I feel that other Christians don’t know the “true” me.

NoteInstructions and item content were adapted in order to assess for relationship-­specific authenticity/inauthenticity tendencies in relationship with God. From “Correlates of False Self in Adolescent Romantic Relationships‚” by L. K. Sippola‚ C. M. Buchanan‚ and S. Kehoe‚ Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology‚ 36.515-­521. Copyright 2007 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Adapted with permission.
