An axon terminal is a small bulbous end structure of a neuron that serves as the site of neurotransmission.

Question Answer

1. What is an axon terminal? An axon terminal is a small bulbous end structure of a neuron that serves as the site of neurotransmission.

2. What purpose does an axon terminal serve? An axon terminal serves as the site of neurotransmission.

3. How does an axon terminal work? An axon terminal works by transmitting chemical signals between neurons.

4. What is the structure of an axon terminal? An axon terminal is a small bulbous end structure of a neuron, which contains vesicles that store neurotransmitters.

5. Where can axon terminals be found? Axon terminals can be found in the nervous system, specifically at the end of neurons.

6. What are the components of an axon terminal? The components of an axon terminal include vesicles that store neurotransmitters, a presynaptic membrane, and a synaptic cleft.

7. What is the function of an axon terminal? The function of an axon terminal is to transmit chemical signals between neurons.

8. What type of neurons contain axon terminals? Axon terminals can be found in both sensory and motor neurons.

9. How do axon terminals communicate with other neurons? Axon terminals communicate with other neurons by releasing neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.

10. What role do axon terminals play in the nervous system? Axon terminals play an important role in the nervous system by allowing neurons to communicate with each other.
