1.|What is association?
Answer: Association is a relationship between two or more people, ideas, or things in which one thing affects the other.

2.|What are the two types of associations?
Answer: The two types of associations are positive and negative associations.

3.|What is a positive association?
Answer: A positive association is a relationship between two or more people, ideas, or things in which one thing has a positive effect on the other.

4.|What is a negative association?
Answer: A negative association is a relationship between two or more people, ideas, or things in which one thing has a negative effect on the other.

5.|What are the benefits of having associations?
Answer: The benefits of having associations include gaining knowledge, forming relationships, and understanding people or concepts better.

6.|How can associations be formed?
Answer: Associations can be formed through exposure to or experience with people, ideas, or things.

7.|What are some common associations?
Answer: Some common associations include a person’s name being associated with a certain brand or a certain color being associated with a certain emotion.

8.|What is an example of an association?
Answer: An example of an association is a person’s name being associated with a certain brand, such as the name “Nike” being associated with athletic apparel.

9.|What is the importance of associations?
Answer: The importance of associations lies in the relationships they form between people, ideas, or things, as they can provide context and understanding for a concept or situation.

10.|What are the implications of associations?
Answer: The implications of associations can include forming relationships, understanding concepts better, and gaining knowledge. Associations can also have positive or negative implications, depending on the nature of the relationship.
