1| What is an artifact?
Answer: An artifact is a man-made object that has been preserved and has cultural, historical, or scientific value.

2| Where are artifacts typically found?
Answer: Artifacts are typically found in archaeological sites, museums, galleries, archives, and private collections.

3| What types of artifacts are there?
Answer: Types of artifacts include tools, weapons, jewelry, pottery, sculptures, textiles, musical instruments, and manuscripts.

4| What is the purpose of artifacts?
Answer: Artifacts serve as tangible evidence of human activity and can be used to learn about the past and present.

5| How are artifacts preserved?
Answer: Artifacts are preserved through the conservation and restoration of materials, as well as through various storage, handling, and display techniques.

6| What is the difference between an artifact and an antique?
Answer: An artifact is an object that has historical or cultural significance, whereas an antique is an object that is more than 100 years old.

7| How do artifacts help us understand the past?
Answer: Artifacts can provide insight into the daily lives, beliefs, and practices of a particular culture or society.

8| How are artifacts dated?
Answer: Artifacts can be dated through archaeological methods such as stratigraphy, radiocarbon dating, and dendrochronology.

9| How do museums acquire artifacts?
Answer: Museums acquire artifacts through donations, purchases, archaeological excavations, and loans from other institutions.

10| What is the importance of preserving artifacts?
Answer: Preserving artifacts is important as it allows us to gain a better understanding of the past and appreciate the cultural heritage of a particular group or society.
