1| What is argot?
Answer: Argot is a type of specialized jargon or vocabulary used by a particular group of people, typically within a particular social context. It can be used to exclude those outside of the group, as well as to create a sense of camaraderie among those who use it.

2| What is the purpose of argot?
Answer: The primary purpose of argot is to create a sense of community and belonging among those who use it. It is also used to exclude those outside of the group and to create a sense of in-group solidarity.

3| How is argot different from everyday language?
Answer: Argot is different from everyday language in that it is often used to communicate in a way that is not easily understood by outsiders. It also often uses words with a specialized meaning or vocabulary that is not used in everyday language.

4| What is the origin of argot?
Answer: The origin of argot is unclear, but it is likely that it arose from the need for certain groups to communicate privately or in a way that was not easily understood by outsiders. It is also possible that it arose from the need to create a sense of solidarity among those who used it.

5| Who uses argot?
Answer: Argot is used by various groups of people, including members of criminal gangs, members of the military, and those within certain subcultures.

6| What are some examples of argot?
Answer: Some examples of argot include words such as “bling” (money or jewelry), “cop” (steal), “grift” (cheat or deceive), “skate” (escape or avoid), and “toss off” (leave quickly).

7| Is argot always used to be exclusionary?
Answer: While argot can be used to exclude those outside of the group, it is not always used in this way. It can also be used to create a sense of camaraderie and solidarity among those who use it.

8| Is argot the same in all cultures?
Answer: Argot is not the same in all cultures, as different groups of people have their own unique argot that is developed and used within their particular context.

9| What is the difference between slang and argot?
Answer: The main difference between slang and argot is that slang is typically used more casually and is often understood by a wider audience, while argot is often used to exclude outsiders and is not easily understood by those outside of the group.

10| How has argot changed over time?
Answer: Argot has changed over time due to the influence of technology and the globalization of culture. As more people are exposed to different cultures, new words and phrases are created and adapted by different groups of people, leading to the evolution of argot over time.
