1 | What is applied research?
Answer: Applied research is the practical application of scientific research, which is used to solve problems and create new knowledge that can be used to improve processes, products, services, or the environment.

2 | What are the benefits of applied research?
Answer: Applied research can provide tangible benefits to an organization or individual, such as improved efficiency, cost savings, increased productivity, or a better understanding of a particular problem or issue. It can also open the door to new opportunities and discoveries.

3 | What is the difference between basic research and applied research?
Answer: Basic research is focused on acquiring new knowledge to increase understanding of an existing topic, while applied research is focused on solving specific problems and creating solutions.

4 | What is the purpose of applied research?
Answer: The purpose of applied research is to solve problems and create practical solutions that can be used to improve processes, products, services, or the environment.

5 | How does applied research differ from theoretical research?
Answer: Theoretical research is more focused on developing new theories and advancing knowledge, while applied research is focused on solving problems and creating practical solutions.

6 | What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?
Answer: Qualitative research is focused on gathering data that are descriptive and exploratory in nature, while quantitative research is focused on gathering data that are measurable and numerical in nature.

7 | How can applied research be used in business?
Answer: Applied research can be used in business to develop new products and services, to identify customer needs and trends, to improve marketing strategies, to increase efficiency and productivity, and to gain a better understanding of a particular issue or problem.

8 | What are the steps in the applied research process?
Answer: The steps in the applied research process typically involve developing research objectives, designing a research plan, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting data, and drawing conclusions.

9 | What are the advantages and disadvantages of applied research?
Answer: Some of the advantages of applied research include increased efficiency, cost savings, and a better understanding of a particular problem or issue. However, some of the disadvantages include the potential for bias in the data, the time and money required to conduct the research, and the potential for inaccurate or incomplete results.

10 | What is the role of applied research in society?
Answer: Applied research serves a critical role in society, as it can be used to solve problems and create practical solutions that can be used to improve processes, products, services, or the environment. Applied research can also provide insights into how society is changing and can help inform policy decisions.
