1 | What is an apical dendrite?
Answer: An apical dendrite is the main dendrite of a neuron that extends upward from the cell body and receives input from other neurons.

2 | How many apical dendrites does a neuron typically have?
Answer: A neuron typically has one apical dendrite.

3 | What type of input do apical dendrites receive?
Answer: Apical dendrites receive input from other neurons in the form of neurotransmitters.

4 | How does an apical dendrite transmit electrical signals?
Answer: An apical dendrite transmits electrical signals via the action potential, which is a brief electrical impulse generated by the neuron.

5 | What is the difference between an apical dendrite and a basal dendrite?
Answer: An apical dendrite extends from the cell body upward, while a basal dendrite extends from the cell body downward.

6 | What is the function of an apical dendrite?
Answer: The function of an apical dendrite is to receive input from other neurons and transmit electrical signals to the cell body.

7 | How does an apical dendrite help neurons communicate?
Answer: An apical dendrite helps neurons communicate by receiving input from other neurons and transmitting electrical signals to the cell body.

8 | How does an apical dendrite affect the behavior of a neuron?
Answer: An apical dendrite affects the behavior of a neuron by receiving input from other neurons and transmitting electrical signals to the cell body, which can influence the neuron’s behavior.

9 | What type of cells have apical dendrites?
Answer: Apical dendrites are found in neurons, which are cells that are specialized for the transmission of electrical signals.

10 | How do apical dendrites interact with other neurons?
Answer: Apical dendrites interact with other neurons by receiving input from them and transmitting electrical signals to the cell body.
