1 | What is the anterior commissure?
Answer: The anterior commissure is a small bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two temporal lobes of the brain at the lower side of the cerebral cortex.

2 | Where is the anterior commissure located?
Answer: The anterior commissure is located at the lower side of the cerebral cortex, connecting the two temporal lobes of the brain.

3 | What is the function of the anterior commissure?
Answer: The anterior commissure is responsible for connecting the two temporal lobes of the brain, allowing for communication between the two hemispheres of the brain.

4 | What type of nerve fibers are found in the anterior commissure?
Answer: The anterior commissure contains small bundles of myelinated nerve fibers.

5 | What other structures does the anterior commissure connect to?
Answer: The anterior commissure connects the optic chiasm and the mammillary bodies to the rest of the brain.

6 | How does the anterior commissure contribute to behavior?
Answer: The anterior commissure helps coordinate many behaviors by allowing communication between the two hemispheres of the brain.

7 | How is the anterior commissure different in left-handed and right-handed people?
Answer: Left-handed people typically have larger anterior commissures than right-handed people, indicating a greater capacity for communication between the two hemispheres of the brain.

8 | Does the size of the anterior commissure vary between different species?
Answer: Yes, the size of the anterior commissure varies between different species, although the function remains the same.

9 | What happens when the anterior commissure is damaged?
Answer: Damage to the anterior commissure can lead to an inability to coordinate certain behaviors, as well as impairments in vision, hearing, and memory.

10 | How does the anterior commissure develop in the fetus?
Answer: The anterior commissure begins to develop in the fetus at around 12 weeks of gestation, and continues to develop throughout the rest of the pregnancy.
