1 | What is animal magnetism?
Answer: Animal magnetism is a term coined by German physician Franz Mesmer in the 18th century to describe a supposed force or power that can be used to influence the behavior and thoughts of animals.

2 | What is the basis of animal magnetism?
Answer: The basis of animal magnetism is the idea that animals are naturally attracted to certain objects, people, or situations due to an invisible force.

3 | How is animal magnetism used?
Answer: Animal magnetism is often used in training animals, as it can be used to encourage desired behaviors and discourage undesired behaviors. It can also be used to help animals overcome fears and phobias.

4 | Is animal magnetism a form of hypnosis?
Answer: No, animal magnetism is not a form of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a form of suggestion used to induce relaxation and control people’s thoughts and behavior, while animal magnetism is a form of suggestion used to influence the behavior and thoughts of animals.

5 | Does animal magnetism work on all animals?
Answer: Animal magnetism is believed to work on all animals, although it may be more effective on some than others.

6 | What are the benefits of using animal magnetism?
Answer: The benefits of using animal magnetism include improved communication with animals, reduced fear and anxiety, and improved behavior.

7 | How long does it take to see results from animal magnetism?
Answer: The amount of time it takes to see results from animal magnetism will vary depending on the individual animal and the particular behavior being addressed. Generally, results can be seen in a few days or weeks.

8 | Are there any risks associated with animal magnetism?
Answer: There are no known risks associated with animal magnetism, although it is important to ensure that the animal is comfortable and relaxed throughout the process.

9 | What is the difference between animal magnetism and animal behavior modification?
Answer: The main difference between animal magnetism and animal behavior modification is that animal magnetism is focused on influencing the behavior and thoughts of animals, while animal behavior modification is focused on changing existing behaviors and reinforcing desired behaviors.

10 | Can animal magnetism be used to stop unwanted behaviors?
Answer: Yes, animal magnetism can be used to stop unwanted behaviors. It can be used to replace the behavior with a more desirable behavior and to help the animal overcome any fears or anxieties associated with the behavior.
