Androgenization is the process of masculinization of an individual, usually caused by the presence of androgens such as testosterone.

1| What is androgenization?
Answer: Androgenization is the process of masculinization of an individual, usually caused by the presence of androgens such as testosterone.

2| What are the effects of androgenization?
Answer: The effects of androgenization may include increased muscle mass, deeper voice, and increased body and facial hair.

3| What hormones are responsible for androgenization?
Answer: The hormones responsible for androgenization are androgens such as testosterone.

4| How does androgenization affect behavior?
Answer: Androgenization can affect behavior by increasing aggression and libido.

5| What medical conditions can cause androgenization?
Answer: Medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) can cause androgenization.

6| Are there any treatments for androgenization?
Answer: There are treatments available for androgenization, such as hormone replacement therapy and medications to reduce the production of androgens.

7| What are the long-term effects of androgenization?
Answer: The long-term effects of androgenization may include infertility, increased risk of heart disease, and increased risk of certain types of cancer.

8| Is androgenization reversible?
Answer: In some cases, androgenization can be reversed with medical treatments.

9| How can androgenization be prevented?
Answer: Androgenization can be prevented by avoiding exposure to androgens and by treating any underlying medical conditions that can cause androgenization.

10| Is androgenization the same as masculinization?
Answer: Androgenization is the process by which masculinization occurs, usually due to the presence of androgens. Masculinization is the physical and behavioral changes that occur due to androgenization.
