1.| What is an ampulla?
An ampulla is a small, sealed vial or bottle made of glass, ceramic, or metal that is used to store and transport liquids. It is typically cylindrical in shape with a pointed bottom and a narrow opening at the top.

2.| What are the uses of an ampulla?
An ampulla is typically used to store and transport liquids such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food, and beverages. It is also used in religious ceremonies, for scientific experiments, and to contain samples for laboratory testing.

3.| What is the difference between an ampulla and a vial?
The main difference between an ampulla and a vial is that an ampulla is sealed and has a pointed bottom, while a vial is not sealed and has a flat bottom.

4.| What are the advantages of using an ampulla?
The main advantages of using an ampulla are that it is leak-proof, preventing the contents from spilling, and it is airtight, preventing oxidation and contamination from the outside environment.

5.| What materials are ampullae typically made from?
Ampullae are typically made from glass, ceramic, or metal.

6.| How are ampullae sealed?
Ampullae can be sealed by melting the neck of the container or by using a lid or stopper.

7.| What are the different sizes of ampullae?
Ampullae come in a variety of sizes, ranging from very small to large.

8.| How are ampullae labeled?
Ampullae are typically labeled with a type of adhesive label or with a printed label.

9.| What are the safety precautions for handling ampullae?
When handling ampullae, it is important to wear safety glasses or goggles and to handle the ampulla with care to avoid breakage.

10.| How are ampullae stored?
Ampullae should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and in an upright position. It is important to make sure the ampulla is securely sealed to prevent leakage.
