1|What is amphetamine intoxication?
Answer: Amphetamine intoxication is a state of being under the influence of amphetamine or related stimulant drugs. It is characterized by increased alertness, increased energy, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased body temperature, agitation, and hallucinations.

2|What are the symptoms of amphetamine intoxication?
Answer: The symptoms of amphetamine intoxication include increased alertness, increased energy, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased body temperature, agitation, and hallucinations.

3|What causes amphetamine intoxication?
Answer: Amphetamine intoxication is caused by the ingestion of amphetamine or related stimulant drugs.

4|What are the dangers of amphetamine intoxication?
Answer: The dangers of amphetamine intoxication include increased risk of stroke and heart attack, hyperthermia, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, confusion, agitation, and violence.

5|How long does amphetamine intoxication last?
Answer: The effects of amphetamine intoxication can last anywhere from four to 24 hours, depending on the amount of drug ingested.

6|Can amphetamine intoxication be treated?
Answer: Yes, amphetamine intoxication can be treated with supportive care, including monitoring vital signs, providing fluids, and administering medications to reduce symptoms.

7|What medications are used to treat amphetamine intoxication?
Answer: Medications that are used to treat amphetamine intoxication include benzodiazepines, antipsychotics, and beta blockers.

8|What is the difference between amphetamine intoxication and amphetamine addiction?
Answer: Amphetamine intoxication is a state of being under the influence of amphetamine or related stimulant drugs, while amphetamine addiction is a chronic condition characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use, despite negative consequences.

9|What are the long-term effects of amphetamine intoxication?
Answer: The long-term effects of amphetamine intoxication may include anxiety, depression, fatigue, irritability, paranoia, and impaired cognitive functioning.

10|What are the effects of amphetamine intoxication on the brain?
Answer: Amphetamine intoxication can cause increased dopamine release in the brain, leading to increased alertness, increased energy, and increased focus. It can also cause changes in the brain’s reward circuitry, leading to addiction.
