1.| What is the American Association for Counseling and Development (AACD)?
Answer: The American Association for Counseling and Development (AACD) is a professional organization that provides educational resources, conferences, and networking opportunities for professional counselors, psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family therapists.

2.| What services does the AACD provide?
Answer: The AACD provides educational resources and conferences for members, including seminars, workshops, and webinars. It also offers networking opportunities and discounts on professional publications and services.

3.| How do I become a member of the AACD?
Answer: To become a member of the AACD, applicants must hold an advanced degree in counseling, psychology, social work, marriage and family therapy, or a related field, and have at least two years of professional experience.

4.| What are the benefits of membership in the AACD?
Answer: AACD members benefit from access to educational resources, networking opportunities, discounts on professional publications and services, and the ability to attend AACD conferences and seminars.

5.| What are the eligibility requirements for AACD membership?
Answer: To be eligible for membership in the AACD, applicants must hold an advanced degree in counseling, psychology, social work, marriage and family therapy, or a related field, and have at least two years of professional experience.

6.| How often does the AACD hold conferences?
Answer: The AACD holds conferences throughout the year. The organization also offers webinars and other online resources.

7.| What is the cost of AACD membership?
Answer: The cost of AACD membership varies depending on the type of membership. Professional memberships cost $89/year and student memberships cost $40/year.

8.| Does the AACD provide continuing education credits?
Answer: Yes, the AACD provides continuing education credits for its members. Members can earn credits by attending AACD conferences, seminars, and webinars.

9.| What types of publications does the AACD offer?
Answer: The AACD offers a variety of publications, including newsletters, books, and journals, to keep members up to date with the latest news and trends in the counseling and development field.

10.| Does the AACD offer any scholarships or grants?
Answer: Yes, the AACD offers a number of scholarships and grants for members. These awards are provided to members who demonstrate a commitment to the organization and the profession.
