Question Answer

What is age norm? Age norm is a concept used to describe the expectation that people of a certain age should behave in a certain way.

What are the most common age norms? Common age norms include social expectations about when people should get married, have children, and retire.

What impact does age norm have on society? Age norms can have a powerful influence on how people behave in society. Age norms can shape people’s decisions regarding their careers, education, and lifestyle.

What are the implications of age norms? Age norms can have implications on people’s well-being, as they can lead to feelings of inadequacy and pressure to conform to certain expectations.

What are the consequences of age norm? Age norms can lead to people feeling pressured to conform to certain expectations, resulting in feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.

What are the advantages of age norm? Age norms can provide a sense of structure and order in society, and can help people understand the expectations of their peers.

What are the disadvantages of age norm? Age norms can lead to people feeling pressure to conform to certain expectations, resulting in feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.

How has age norm changed over time? Age norms have evolved over time, as social and cultural norms have changed.

What are some examples of age norms? Examples of age norms include expectations about when people should get married, have children, and retire.

What is the role of age norm in society? Age norms play an important role in society, as they provide a sense of structure and order, allowing people to understand the expectations of their peers.
