1 | What is affective theory?
Answer: Affective theory is a psychological theory that suggests that emotions play a major role in influencing our behavior and decision-making.

2 | What are the key components of affective theory?
Answer: The key components of affective theory are emotion, motivation, and behavior.

3 | How does affective theory differ from other theories of emotion?
Answer: Affective theory differs from other theories of emotion because it suggests that emotions play a more direct role in influencing our behavior and decision-making, rather than being just a reaction to external events.

4 | How does affective theory explain the relationship between emotion and motivation?
Answer: Affective theory suggests that emotions can act as a motivator, driving us to take action in order to achieve our goals.

5 | What are the implications of affective theory for understanding behavior?
Answer: Affective theory suggests that our behavior is influenced by our emotions, which in turn can be influenced by our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. This can help us to better understand and predict our behavior.

6 | How does affective theory help us to understand decision-making?
Answer: Affective theory suggests that our emotions can influence our decisions, as they can affect the way that we weigh up the pros and cons of a particular decision.

7 | What role does affective theory play in understanding social behavior?
Answer: Affective theory suggests that our emotions can influence our social behavior, as our emotions can affect the way that we interact with others and the decisions we make in social situations.

8 | How does affective theory help us to understand learning?
Answer: Affective theory suggests that our emotions can influence our learning, as positive emotions can help to motivate us and make us more likely to engage in learning activities.

9 | How does affective theory help us to understand mental health?
Answer: Affective theory suggests that our emotions can influence our mental health, as our emotions can affect the way that we think and behave, leading to either positive or negative mental health outcomes.

10 | What is the relevance of affective theory in the modern world?
Answer: Affective theory is relevant in the modern world as it can help us to better understand and predict our behavior, decisions, and mental health. It can also help us to develop more effective strategies for improving our emotional wellbeing.
