1 | What is affective disorder?
Affective disorder is a type of mental health disorder, also known as mood disorder, that causes persistent feelings of sadness, irritability, or loss of interest.

2 | What are the different types of affective disorder?
The different types of affective disorder include major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, cyclothymic disorder, and seasonal affective disorder.

3 | What are the symptoms of affective disorder?
The symptoms of affective disorder can include feeling sad, hopeless, or empty; feeling overly anxious, irritable, or restless; having low energy; experiencing problems with concentration; having a lack of interest in activities; experiencing changes in appetite or weight; experiencing sleep problems; feeling worthless or guilty; and having thoughts of death or suicide.

4 | What are the risk factors for affective disorder?
Risk factors for affective disorder include having a family history of mood disorders, experiencing stressful life events, having a medical condition, or substance abuse.

5 | How is affective disorder diagnosed?
Affective disorder is typically diagnosed based on a person’s symptoms, a physical exam, and laboratory tests.

6 | How is affective disorder treated?
Affective disorder is typically treated with medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both.

7 | How long does it take for treatment of affective disorder to work?
It can take several weeks or months for treatment of affective disorder to work.

8 | Are there any lifestyle changes that can help with affective disorder?
Yes, lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and engaging in activities to reduce stress can help with affective disorder.

9 | Can affective disorder be prevented?
No, affective disorder cannot be prevented, but the symptoms can be managed with treatment.

10 | Is there a cure for affective disorder?
No, there is no cure for affective disorder, but the symptoms can be managed with treatment.
