ADVANCE DIRECTIVE: An advance directive, also known as a living will, is a legal document that outlines an individual’s wishes for medical care if they become unable to make decisions for themselves.

1. What is an advance directive?

Answer: An advance directive is a legal document that outlines an individual’s wishes for medical care if they become unable to make decisions for themselves.

2. Who can create an advance directive?

Answer: An advance directive can be created by any individual of legal age and of sound mind.

3. What types of decisions are covered by an advance directive?

Answer: An advance directive can cover decisions related to life support, artificial nutrition and hydration, resuscitation, and other medical treatments.

4. How do I create an advance directive?

Answer: An advance directive can be created by filling out a form available from a lawyer, hospital, or other health care facility.

5. Does an advance directive need to be notarized?

Answer: Depending on the laws of the state, an advance directive may need to be notarized in order to be valid.

6. Can I change my advance directive?

Answer: Yes, an individual can change their advance directive at any time as long as they are of sound mind.

7. Is an advance directive a legally binding document?

Answer: Yes, an advance directive is a legally binding document.

8. Does an advance directive apply in all states?

Answer: Yes, an advance directive should be honored in all states, as they are legally binding documents.

9. What should I do if I want to revoke my advance directive?

Answer: An individual can revoke their advance directive at any time by signing a document that states their intention to revoke the advance directive.

10. Who can make decisions on my behalf if I do not have an advance directive?

Answer: If an individual does not have an advance directive, decisions about their medical care will be made by their legally appointed health care proxy.
