1| What is Acute Delirium?
Answer: Acute delirium is a sudden and severe disorder of the mental state, which is characterized by confusion, restlessness, disorientation, and difficulty thinking and speaking.

2| What are the symptoms of Acute Delirium?
Answer: Symptoms of acute delirium include confusion, disorientation, impaired judgment, restlessness, agitation, delusions, hallucinations, and disturbances in behavior, sleep, and attention.

3| What are the causes of Acute Delirium?
Answer: Acute delirium is often caused by a medical illness, such as sepsis, pneumonia, stroke, or a traumatic brain injury, or by the use of certain medications or drugs.

4| How is Acute Delirium diagnosed?
Answer: Acute delirium is often diagnosed based on a comprehensive medical history and physical examination, as well as laboratory tests and imaging tests such as a CT scan or MRI.

5| How is Acute Delirium treated?
Answer: Treatment of acute delirium depends on the underlying cause of the disorder, but may include medications, supportive care, and lifestyle changes.

6| Are there any complications associated with Acute Delirium?
Answer: Complications associated with acute delirium may include an increased risk of falls, an increased risk of developing dementia, and an increased risk of death.

7| Is Acute Delirium hereditary?
Answer: Acute delirium is not hereditary, but it is more common in people with certain genetic conditions, such as Down syndrome and Huntington’s disease.

8| Can Acute Delirium be prevented?
Answer: Acute delirium may be prevented by avoiding certain medications and drugs, managing medical illnesses and conditions, and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

9| Is Acute Delirium curable?
Answer: Acute delirium is not curable, but it can be managed with medications, supportive care, and lifestyle changes.

10| What are the long-term effects of Acute Delirium?
Answer: Long-term effects of acute delirium may include an increased risk of developing dementia, memory problems, and difficulty with daily functioning.
