1 | What is actual?
Answer: Actual is a term used to refer to something that is real or existing, not imagined or theoretical.

2 | How can actual be distinguished from potential?
Answer: Actual is something that is real and has been experienced, while potential is something that may or may not come to fruition in the future.

3 | What is the difference between actual and potential energy?
Answer: Actual energy is energy that is currently being used or has already been used, while potential energy is energy that is stored and can be released in the future.

4 | What is the difference between actual and nominal values?
Answer: Actual values represent the true value of an object or quantity, while nominal values represent the value in terms of currency and prices.

5 | How does actual cost differ from estimated cost?
Answer: Actual cost is the actual amount of money spent on a project or item, while estimated cost is the amount of money that is predicted to be spent.

6 | What is the difference between actual and standard costs?
Answer: Actual costs are the costs incurred in the production of a good or service, while standard costs are the costs that are expected to be incurred in the production of a good or service.

7 | How is actual performance measured?
Answer: Actual performance is measured by assessing the results that were achieved as a result of performing a task or activity.

8 | What is the difference between actual and expected outcomes?
Answer: Actual outcomes are the real results that are achieved, while expected outcomes are the outcomes that were expected to be achieved.

9 | How does actual capacity differ from theoretical capacity?
Answer: Actual capacity is the amount of output that can be achieved in practice, while theoretical capacity is the maximum amount of output that can be achieved in theory.

10 | How does actual usage differ from planned usage?
Answer: Actual usage is the amount of something that is actually being used, while planned usage is the amount of something that is intended to be used.
