Question Answer
1. What is action research? Action research is a form of participatory inquiry that attempts to understand and improve the social conditions of a particular context by involving those affected by the conditions.
2. What is the purpose of action research? The purpose of action research is to identify problems, explore solutions, and develop strategies for change in order to improve the social conditions of the context.
3. What are the components of action research? The components of action research include problem identification, data collection, data analysis, solution generation, implementation, and evaluation.
4. What is the difference between action research and traditional research? The difference between action research and traditional research is that action research involves active participation by those affected by the conditions, while traditional research is conducted from an outside, detached perspective.
5. What are the benefits of action research? The benefits of action research include increased understanding of the context, increased ownership of the solutions, and increased capacity for change.
6. What are the steps in the action research process? The steps in the action research process include problem identification, data collection, data analysis, solution generation, implementation, and evaluation.
7. How is action research different from other forms of research? Action research is different from other forms of research in that it is participatory and involves active involvement by those affected by the conditions.
8. What is the role of the researcher in action research? The role of the researcher in action research is to facilitate the process and ensure that the participants are actively engaged in the inquiry.
9. What are the challenges of action research? The challenges of action research include resistance to change, lack of resources, and conflicting interests.
10. How can action research be used to improve social conditions? Action research can be used to improve social conditions by identifying problems, exploring solutions, and developing strategies for change.
