Definition: Acquired Characteristic is a trait that an organism develops during its lifetime, as opposed to traits that are present at birth.

1. What is an acquired characteristic?

Answer: An acquired characteristic is a trait that an organism develops during its lifetime, as opposed to traits that are present at birth.

2. What are some examples of acquired characteristics?

Answer: Examples of acquired characteristics include muscle tone, calluses, the ability to speak a language, and the ability to ride a bicycle.

3. Are acquired characteristics inherited?

Answer: No, acquired characteristics are not inherited. They are acquired through experience and learning during an individual’s lifetime.

4. How are acquired characteristics different from inherited characteristics?

Answer: Inherited characteristics are present at birth and passed down from parent to offspring. Acquired characteristics are traits that an organism develops during its lifetime, as opposed to traits that are present at birth.

5. How do acquired characteristics affect an organism?

Answer: Acquired characteristics can have a positive or negative effect on an organism, depending on the trait. For example, learning a new language can be beneficial, while developing a bad habit can be detrimental.

6. Are acquired characteristics permanent?

Answer: Yes, acquired characteristics are generally permanent. However, some acquired traits may be lost over time with disuse.

7. Can acquired characteristics be passed down from generation to generation?

Answer: No, acquired characteristics are not passed down from generation to generation. They are acquired by an individual during their lifetime and not passed on to their offspring.

8. Can acquired characteristics be changed?

Answer: Yes, acquired characteristics can be changed. Acquired characteristics are traits that an organism develops during its lifetime, and can be changed through experience and learning.

9. What are the benefits of acquired characteristics?

Answer: Acquired characteristics can be beneficial to an organism, as they can help the organism to adapt to its environment and learn new skills.

10. What are the risks associated with acquired characteristics?

Answer: Acquired characteristics can have a negative effect on an organism if they are not beneficial or if they become harmful habits. For example, developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol can be detrimental to an individual’s health and well-being.
