1| What is the Acoustical Society of America (ASA)?
Answer: The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing and diffusing the knowledge of acoustics and its practical applications. ASA was founded in 1929 and is the premier international scientific society in acoustics devoted to the science and technology of sound.

2| What are the benefits of becoming a member of the ASA?
Answer: As a member of the ASA, you are eligible for reduced rates for meeting registration and access to additional resources such as journals, newsletters, and publications. You will also be part of a network of professionals in the field of acoustics, and have access to educational opportunities and networking events.

3| What are the requirements to become a member of the ASA?
Answer: The ASA has three different levels of membership. For the General Member category, one must have a minimum of a B.S. or equivalent in a field related to acoustics or noise control. For the Senior Member category, one must have a minimum of an M.S. or equivalent in a field related to acoustics or noise control. For the Fellow Member category, one must have a minimum of a PhD or equivalent in a field related to acoustics or noise control.

4| What are the goals of the ASA?
Answer: The mission of the ASA is to promote the knowledge and practical applications of acoustics for the benefit of humanity. The ASA strives to expand the knowledge of acoustics by providing a platform for research, education, and communication between members.

5| What publications does the ASA offer?
Answer: The ASA publishes a wide range of resources related to acoustics and noise control. These include the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), Applied Acoustics, Acoustics Today, and Acoustics Weekly. The ASA also produces a variety of conference proceedings, special publications, and technical reports.

6| Does the ASA offer educational programs?
Answer: Yes, the ASA offers a variety of educational programs, including the Acoustics Academy, which provides resources and support to those interested in acoustics research and education. The ASA also provides a variety of online courses related to acoustics, noise control, and audio engineering.

7| Does the ASA have any awards or scholarships?
Answer: Yes, the ASA offers a variety of awards and scholarships, including the Acoustical Society of America Graduate Student Award, ASA Student Travel Award, and ASA Undergraduate Student Award.

8| What events does the ASA host?
Answer: The ASA hosts a variety of events, including the Acoustical Society of America Annual Meeting, Acoustics in the Built Environment Symposium, and Acoustical Society of America Student Symposium.

9| What research does the ASA fund?
Answer: The ASA funds a variety of research initiatives related to acoustics and noise control, including the Acoustical Society of America Research Grants Program, Acoustical Society of America Research Fellowship Program, and Acoustical Society of America Student Research Grants Program.

10| How can I get involved with the ASA?
Answer: You can get involved with the ASA by becoming a member, attending meetings and symposia, and participating in the various programs and initiatives offered by the ASA. You can also volunteer to serve on committees, join in on discussions and debates, and contribute to the ASA’s research initiatives.
