1. |What is absenteeism?
Absenteeism is an employee’s intentional or habitual absence from work.

2. |What are the most common causes of absenteeism?
The most common causes of absenteeism are personal illness, family illness, stress, lack of engagement with work, and transportation issues.

3. |What are the effects of absenteeism on a business?
The effects of absenteeism on a business can include decreased productivity, increased costs, and decreased morale.

4. |How can employers prevent absenteeism?
Employers can prevent absenteeism by offering competitive wages and benefits, providing flexible work arrangements, creating an engaging work environment, and addressing underlying issues such as transportation and stress.

5. |What is the difference between absenteeism and tardiness?
Absenteeism is defined as an employee’s intentional or habitual absence from work, while tardiness is defined as an employee’s lateness to work.

6. |What is the legal definition of an “unexcused absence?”
An unexcused absence is an absence that is not approved by the employer and is in violation of the employer’s attendance policy.

7. |What is the average rate of absenteeism?
The average rate of absenteeism varies depending on the industry and size of the organization, but it is typically around 3%.

8. |What is the difference between absenteeism and presenteeism?
Absenteeism is defined as an employee’s intentional or habitual absence from work, while presenteeism is defined as an employee’s presence at work without being mentally or physically present due to illness or exhaustion.

9. |What is the cost of absenteeism?
The cost of absenteeism can vary depending on the industry and size of the organization, but it is typically around 3% of the total payroll costs.

10. |What are some strategies for reducing absenteeism?
Some strategies for reducing absenteeism include offering competitive wages and benefits, providing flexible work arrangements, creating an engaging work environment, and addressing underlying issues such as transportation and stress.
