1|What is abdominal migraine?
Answer: Abdominal migraine is a recurrent stomach pain syndrome that is associated with migraine headaches. It is most commonly seen in children and usually resolves itself before adulthood.

2|What are the symptoms of abdominal migraine?
Answer: Symptoms of abdominal migraine include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.

3|What causes abdominal migraine?
Answer: The exact cause of abdominal migraine is unknown, but it is believed to be related to the same underlying mechanisms that cause migraine headaches.

4|Who is at risk for abdominal migraine?
Answer: Abdominal migraine is most commonly seen in children, though adults can also experience it.

5|What are the treatments for abdominal migraine?
Answer: Treatment for abdominal migraine includes avoiding triggers, medications to reduce pain and nausea, and lifestyle changes.

6|How is abdominal migraine diagnosed?
Answer: Abdominal migraine is typically diagnosed based on a person’s symptoms and medical history.

7|What can be done to help manage abdominal migraine?
Answer: To help manage abdominal migraine, it is important to identify and avoid triggers, take medications as prescribed, and make lifestyle changes such as eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise.

8|How long do abdominal migraine attacks last?
Answer: Abdominal migraine attacks can last for several hours or up to several days.

9|What is the prognosis for abdominal migraine?
Answer: Abdominal migraine typically resolves itself before adulthood. However, it can be managed with lifestyle changes and medications.

10|Can abdominal migraine be prevented?
Answer: Abdominal migraine cannot be prevented, but the frequency and severity of attacks can be reduced by avoiding triggers, taking medications as prescribed, and making lifestyle changes.
