Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation Scale (SL-ASIA)

Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation Scale (SL-ASIA)
Rich‎ard M. Suinn‚ Ph.D.
Instructions: The questions that follow are for the purpose of collecting information about your historical background as well as more recent behaviors that may be related to your cultural identity. Choose the one answer that best describes you.
1. What language can you speak?
1. Asian only (e.g.‚ Chinese‚ Japanese‚ Korean‚ Vietnamese‚ etc.).
2. Mostly Asian‚ some English.
3. Asian and English about equally well (bilingual).
4. Mostly English‚ some Asian.
5. Only English.
2. What language do you prefer?
1. Asian only (e.g.‚ Chinese‚ Japanese‚ Korean‚ Vietnamese‚ etc.).
2. Mostly Asian‚ some English.
3. Asian and English about equally well (bilingual).
4. Mostly English‚ some Asian.
5. Only English.
3. How do you identify yourself?
1. Oriental
2. Asian
3. Asian American
4. Chinese American‚ Japanese American‚ Korean American‚ etc.
5. American
4. Which identification does (did) your mother use?
1. Oriental
2. Asian
3. Asian American
4. Chinese American‚ Japanese American‚ Korean American‚ etc.
5. American
5. Which identification does (did) your father use?
1. Oriental
2. Asian
3. Asian American
4. Chinese American‚ Japanese American‚ Korean American‚ etc.
5. American
6. What was the ethnic origin of the friends and peers you had‚ as a child up to age 6?
1. Almost exclusively Asians‚ Asian Americans‚ Orientals.
2. Mostly Asians‚ Asian Americans‚ Orientals.
3. About equally Asian groups and Anglo groups.
4. Mostly Anglos‚ Blacks‚ Hispanics‚ or other non-Asian ethnic groups.
5. Almost exclusively Anglos‚ Blacks‚ Hispanics‚ or other non-Asian ethnic groups.
7. What was the ethnic origin of the friends and peers you had‚ as a child from age 6 to 18?
1. Almost exclusively Asians‚ Asian Americans‚ Orientals.
2. Mostly Asians‚ Asian Americans‚ Orientals.
3. About equally Asian groups and Anglo groups.
4. Mostly Anglos‚ Blacks‚ Hispanics‚ or other non-Asian ethnic groups.
5. Almost exclusively Anglos‚ Blacks‚ Hispanics‚ or other non-Asian ethnic groups.
8. Whom do you now associate within the community?
1. Almost exclusively Asians‚ Asian Americans‚ Orientals.
2. Mostly Asians‚ Asian Americans‚ Orientals.
3. About equally Asian groups and Anglo groups.
4. Mostly Anglos‚ Blacks‚ Hispanics‚ or other non-Asian ethnicgroups.
5. Almost exclusively Anglos‚ Blacks‚ Hispanics‚ or other non-Asian ethnic groups.
9. If you could pick‚ whom would you prefer to associate with in the community?
1. Almost exclusively Asians‚ Asian Americans‚ Orientals.
2. Mostly Asians‚ Asian Americans‚ Orientals.
3. About equally Asian groups and Anglo groups.
4. Mostly Anglos‚ Blacks‚ Hispanics‚ or other non-Asian ethnic groups.
5. Almost exclusively Anglos‚ Blacks‚ Hispanics‚ or other non-Asian ethnic groups.
10. What is your music preference?
1. Only Asian music (e.g.‚ Chinese‚ Japanese‚ Korean‚ Vietnamese)
2. Mostly Asian
3. Equally Asian and English
4. Mostly English
5. English only
11. What is your movie preference?
1. Asian-language movies only
2. Asian-language movies mostly
3. Equally Asian and English English-language movies
4. Mostly English-language movies only
5. English-language movies only
12. What generation are you? (circle the generation that best applies to you:)
1. First generation =I was born in Asia or country other than the United States
2. Second generation=I was born in the United States‚ either parent was born in Asia or country other than the United States
3. Third generation = I was born in the United States‚ both parents were born in the United States‚ and all grandparents born in Asia or country other than the United States
4. Fourth generation=I was born in the United States‚ both parents were born in the United States‚ and at least one grandparent born in Asia or country other than the United States and one grandparent born in the United States
5. Fifth generation = I was born in the United States‚ both parents were born in the United States‚ and all grandparents also born in the United States
6. Don’t know what generation best fits since I lack some information.
13. Where were you raised?
1. In Asia only
2. Mostly in Asia‚ some in the United States
3. Equally in Asia and the United States
4. Mostly in the United States‚ some in Asia
5. In the United States only
14. What contact have you had with Asia?
1. Raised 1 year or more in Asia
2. Lived for less than 1 year in Asia
3. Occasional visits to Asia
4. Occasional communications (letters‚ phone calls‚ etc.) with people in Asia
5. No exposure or communications with people in Asia
15. What is your food preference at home?
1. Exclusively Asian food
2. Mostly Asian food‚ some American
3. About equally Asian and American
4. Mostly American food
5. Exclusively American food
16. What is your food preference in restaurants?
1. Exclusively Asian food
2. Mostly Asian food‚ some American
3. About equally Asian and American
4. Mostly American food
5. Exclusively American food
17. Do you
1. read only an Asian language;
2. read an Asian language better than English;
3. read both Asian and English equally well;
4. read English better than an Asian language; and
5. read only English.
18. Do you
1. write only an Asian language;
2. write an Asian language better than English;
3. write both Asian and English equally well;
4. write English better than an Asian language; and
5. write only English.
19. If you consider yourself a member of the Asian group (Oriental‚ Asian‚ Asian American‚ Chinese American‚ etc.‚ whatever term you prefer)‚ how much pride do you have in this group?
1. Extremely proud
2. Moderately proud
3. Little proud
4. No pride but do not feel negative toward group
5. No pride but do feel negative toward group
20. How would you rate yourself?
1. Very Asian
2. Mostly Asian
3. Bicultural
4. Mostly Westernized
5. Very Westernized
21. Do you participate in Asian occasions‚ holidays‚ traditions‚ etc.?
1. Nearly all
2. Most of them
3. Some of them
4. A few of them
5. None at all
22. Rate yourself on how much you believe in Asian values (e.g.‚ about marriage‚ families‚ education‚ work):
do not believe
strongly believe in Asian values
23. Rate yourself on how much you believe in American (Western) values:
do not believe
strongly believe in Asian values
24. Rate yourself on how well you fit when with other Asians of the same ethnicity:
do not fit
fit very well
25. Rate yourself on how well you fit when with other Americans who are non-Asian (Westerners):
do not fit
fit very well
26. There are many different ways in which people think of themselves.Which ONE of the following most closely describes how you view yourself?
1. I consider myself basically an Asian person (e.g.‚ Chinese‚ Japanese‚ Korean‚ Vietnamese). Even though I live and work in America‚ I still view myself basically as an Asian person.
2. I consider myself basically as an American. Even though I have an Asian background and ch‎aracteristics‚ I still view myself basically as an American.
3. I consider myself as an Asian American‚ although deep down I always know I am an Asian.
4. I consider myself as an Asian American‚ although deep down I view myself as an American first.
5. I consider myself as an Asian American. I have both Asian and American ch‎aracteristics‚ and I view myself as a blend of both.

N.-H. Trinh et al. (eds.)‚ Handbook of Mental Health and Acculturation in Asian American Families‚ Current Clinical Psychiatry‚ DOI 10.1007/978-1-60327-437-1_12‚ _ Humana Press‚ a part of Springer ScienceBusiness Media‚ LLC 2009
