How to use AVERAGEIFS in Google Sheets (3 Examples)

AVERAGEIFS is a powerful function in Google Sheets that can be used to calculate the average of a range of cells based on multiple criteria. For example, you can use AVERAGEIFS to calculate the average of all values in a given range that meet certain criteria, such as values greater than a certain number or values within a specific date range. You can also use AVERAGEIFS to average values in multiple ranges based on the same criteria. You can use AVERAGEIFS with up to 127 criteria ranges and up to 7 criteria.

The AVERAGEIFS function in Google Sheets can be used to find the average value in a range if the corresponding values in another range meet certain criteria.

This function uses the following basic syntax:

AVERAGEIFS(average_range, criteria_range1, criterion1, [criteria_range2, criterion2, …])


  • average_range: The range to calculate average from
  • criteria_range1: The first range to check for certain criteria
  • criterion1: The criteria to analyze in the first range

The following examples show how to use this function in different scenarios with the following dataset in Google Sheets:

Example 1: AVERAGEIFS with One Character Column

We can use the following formula to calculate the average value in the Points column where the Team column is equal to “Mavs”:

=AVERAGEIFS(C2:C11, A2:A11, "Mavs")

The following screenshot shows how to use this formula in practice:

The average value in the Points column where the Team column is equal to “Mavs” is 24.6.

We can manually verify this is correct by calculating the average points for the Mavs players:

Average: (22 + 28 + 25 + 30 + 18) / 5 = 24.6.

Example 2: AVERAGEIFS with Two Character Columns

We can use the following formula to calculate the average value in the Points column where the Team column is equal to “Mavs” and the Position column is equal to “Guard”:

=AVERAGEIFS(C2:C11, A2:A11, "Mavs", B2:B11, "Guard")

The following screenshot shows how to use this formula in practice:

AVERAGEIFS in Google Sheets

The average value in the Points column where the Team column is equal to “Mavs” and the Position column is equal to “Guard” is 29.

We can manually verify this is correct by calculating the average points for the Mavs players who are Guards:

Average: (22 + 28) / 2 = 25.

Example 3: AVERAGEIFS with Character & Numeric Columns

We can use the following formula to calculate the average value in the Points column where the Team column is equal to “Spurs” and the Points column is greater than 15:

=AVERAGEIFS(C2:C11, A2:A11, "Spurs", C2:C11, ">15")

The following screenshot shows how to use this formula in practice:

The average value in the Points column where the Team column is equal to “Spurs” and the Points column is greater than 15 is 23.67.

We can manually verify this is correct by calculating the average points for the Spurs players who scored more than 15 points:

Average: (19 + 22 + 30) / 3 = 23.67.

Note: You can find the complete online documentation for the AVERAGEIFS function .
