How to Plot Distribution of Column Values in R

Plotting the distribution of column values in R requires the user to input the data set that contains the column values, and then use the plot command to create the distribution plot. The plot command includes various parameters such as plotting type, color, and labels that can be used to customize the plot. Additionally, the user may also use the summary command to obtain additional information about the data set.

You can use the following methods to plot a distribution of column values in R:

Method 1: Plot Distribution of Values Using Density Plot


Method 2: Plot Distribution of Values Using Histogram


The following examples show how to use each method in practice with the following data frame

#create data frame
df = data.frame(team=rep(c('A', 'B'), each=10),
                points=c(3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 7, 7, 7, 10, 11, 8,
                         7, 8, 9, 12, 12, 12, 14, 15, 17))

#view data frame

   team points
1     A      3
2     A      3
3     A      4
4     A      5
5     A      4
6     A      7
7     A      7
8     A      7
9     A     10
10    A     11
11    B      8
12    B      7
13    B      8
14    B      9
15    B     12
16    B     12
17    B     12
18    B     14
19    B     15
20    B     17

Example 1: Plot Distribution of Values Using Density Plot

The following code shows how to plot the distribution of values in the points column using a :

#plot distribution of values in points column

This syntax produces a smooth curve that summarizes the distribution of values for a variable.

Note that we can also modify the title, axis labels, and color of the line in the density plot if we’d like:

#plot distribution of values in points column
plot(density(df$points), col='red', main='Density Plot of Points', xlab='Points')

plot distribution of column values in R using density plot

Example 2: Plot Distribution of Values Using Histogram

The following code shows how to plot the distribution of values in the points column using a histogram:

#plot distribution of values in points column using histogram

A histogram uses bars to represent frequencies of values in the points column as opposed to a smooth line that summarizes the shape of the distribution.

Note that we can also modify the title, axis labels, color, and number of breaks used in the histogram:

#plot distribution of values in points column using histogram
hist(df$points, main='Histogram of Points', xlab='Points', col='steelblue', breaks=12)

plot distribution of column values in R using histogram

Note: The larger the value you choose for the breaks argument, the more bars there will be in the histogram.

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in R:
