How to calculate the Shannon Diversity Index?

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The is a way to measure the diversity of species in a community.

To calculate this index for a given community, simply enter a list of observed frequencies for up to 10 species in the boxes below, then click the “Calculate” button:

Species Frequency
Species #1
Species #2
Species #3
Species #4
Species #5
Species #6
Species #7
Species #8
Species #9
Species #10

Shannon Diversity Index (H): 1.081384

Shannon Equitability Index (EH): 0.984318

function calc() {

//get input data
var o1 = +document.getElementById(‘o1’).value;
var o2 = +document.getElementById(‘o2’).value;
var o3 = +document.getElementById(‘o3’).value;
var o4 = +document.getElementById(‘o4’).value;
var o5 = +document.getElementById(‘o5’).value;
var o6 = +document.getElementById(‘o6’).value;
var o7 = +document.getElementById(‘o7’).value;
var o8 = +document.getElementById(‘o8’).value;
var o9 = +document.getElementById(‘o9’).value;
var o10 = +document.getElementById(‘o10’).value;

var obs = [o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8, o9, o10];
var empties = obs.filter(x => x==0).length;

var n = obs.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);

//do calculations
var diff1 = 0;
if (o1) {
diff1 = (o1/n)*Math.log(o1/n);
var diff2 = 0;
if (o2) {
diff2 = (o2/n)*Math.log(o2/n);
var diff3 = 0;
if (o3) {
diff3 = (o3/n)*Math.log(o3/n);
var diff4 = 0;
if (o4) {
diff4 = (o4/n)*Math.log(o4/n);
var diff5 = 0;
if (o5) {
diff5 = (o5/n)*Math.log(o5/n);
var diff6 = 0;
if (o6) {
diff6 = (o6/n)*Math.log(o6/n);
var diff7 = 0;
if (o7) {
diff7 = (o7/n)*Math.log(o7/n);
var diff8 = 0;
if (o8) {
diff8 = (o8/n)*Math.log(o8/n);
var diff9 = 0;
if (o9) {
diff9 = (o9/n)*Math.log(o9/n);
var diff10 = 0;
if (o10) {
diff10 = (o10/n)*Math.log(o10/n);

var errors = [diff1, diff2, diff3, diff4, diff5, diff6, diff7, diff8, diff9, diff10];
var H = -1*math.sum(errors);
var E = H / Math.log(obs.length-empties);

//output results
document.getElementById(‘H’).innerHTML = H.toFixed(6);
document.getElementById(‘E’).innerHTML = E.toFixed(6);

} //end calc function
