How can Power BI extract the hour from a datetime?

Power BI can extract the hour from a datetime by using the “Hour” function, which allows users to specify the datetime column or expression from which they want to extract the hour. This function then returns the hour value as a number, ranging from 0 to 23, representing the hour of the day in the specified datetime. This allows for easy data analysis and visualization based on specific time periods, such as hourly trends or peak hours.

You can use the following syntax in DAX to extract the hour from a datetime in Power BI:

hour = HOUR('my_data'[Datetime])

This particular example creates a new column named hour that extracts only the hour from the column named Datetime in the table named my_data.

The following example shows how to use this syntax in practice.

Example: How to Extract Hour from Datetime in Power BI

Suppose we have the following table named my_data in Power BI that contains information about total sales made by some company at specific datetimes:

Suppose that we would like to extract the hour from each datetime in the Datetime column.

To do so, click the Table tools tab, then click the icon called New column:

Then type the following formula into the formula bar:

hour = HOUR('my_data'[Datetime])

This will create a new column named hour that contains only the hour from the the corresponding datetime in the Datetime column:

Power BI extract hour from datetime

For example:

  • The formula extracts 10 from 1/1/2024 10:15:00 AM.
  • The formula extracts 19 from 1/5/2024 7:15:23 PM.
  • The formula extracts 1 from2/15/2024 1:15:09 AM.

And so on.

Additional Resources

The following tutorials explain how to perform other common tasks in Power BI:
