Symptoms of Addiction

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Symptoms of Addiction

Kyra displayed various behaviors that could be symptoms of possible drug abuse. First, she stopped taking her prescribed medication for depression, which in turn caused her to be hospitalized for having an adverse reaction. Kyra did not notify her doctor before she stopped taking her medicine, which is another alarming behavior. She also displayed risky alcohol consumption by drinking multiple glasses of wine, and she took sleeping pills on a regular basis. She also acknowledged that she had trouble sleeping. Gradually, her behaviors negatively affected her work performance because she became irritable whenever she received a phone call at work. These behaviors are possible signs of substance abuse because she displays consistent use of alcohol and sleeping pills, which is likely to indicated an addiction. Her usage indicates a tendency for Kyra to self-medicate and avoid dealing her personal problems.

Based on my observations, I would not need to refer the client to another professional on the service team. Most of her issues are addictions related, and if I am employed as an addictions case manager, then I would be able to handle her case. I would need to be mindful of transference issues in regards to Kyra. Summers (2012) declares, “As a competent case manager, you will want to accept transference when it exists” (p.117). I would need to maintain proper boundaries with Kyra.

I notice that Timothy displayed behaviors that made him feel nervous or constantly on edge. He acknowledged that he uses drugs to take away that feeling of being jumpy or on edge. He did have a history of using painkillers after his injury, but is not currently taking them anymore. I think that these behaviors could indicate drug use because Timothy admits to using drugs to overcome the nervous feelings he has. NIDA (2012) declares, “Timothy is at-risk for substance abuse” (para.1).

I would refer Timothy to work with a mental health counselor as well as work with me for his substance use. Mental health counselors are trained to counsel patients that suffer from PTSD due to previous traumatic events. MHA (n.d).states, “Mental health counselors are trained to diagnose and provide individual and group counseling” (para.12). I feel that his jumpy behavior could be a symptom of PTSD, especially since the case study said that he served in a war twice. If he does have PTSD, then he has a co-occurring disorder that needs to be treated, which is why I would bring in another professional to help. If both the PTSD and his substance use is not addressed, then Timothy is more likely than not to have one or more relapses.

In conclusion, this week I got to analyze the different symptoms of addictions. I also got to analyze the reasoning behind my conclusions, and apply them to the given case studies.


Summers, N. (2012). Fundamentals of case management practice: Skills for the human services (4th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2012a). NIDA quick screen: Clinician’s screening tool for drug use in general medical settings. Retrieved from

N.A. (n.d). Types of mental health professionals. Mental Health America. Retrieved from:

