
Necrophobia is the irrational fear of dead bodies (humans and animals) and ceremonies as well as objects associated with death. When triggered, a person with this condition may experience short and rapid breathing, sweating, dry mouth, nausea, irregular heartbeat, trembling, and an overall feeling of dread. Such symptoms have been persistent for at least six months. This may be caused by a previous traumatic experience involving death as well as a genetic predisposition for anxiety. The treatments include exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, medications, and relaxation techniques.

For instance, a 17-year-old student accidentally falls into a grave while visiting a cemetery. He is only able to get out of it after an hour of shouting for help. After that distressing experience, he was not anymore able to attend funerals and watch horror movies. Every time he sees coffins, funeral flowers, and other pertinent things, he gets significantly anxious, lightheaded, a sense of impending doom, a feeling of being choked, sweaty, and nauseous.
