A personality pattern disturbance characterized by a mild degree of exhilaration and overactivity Hypomanics are enthusiastic, gregarious, lively individuals constantly overflowing with ideas, emotions, and talk. They are usually pleasure-loving, and are almost completely unrestrained and uninhibited in language and action. Though often amusing for a time, their incessant exuberance tends to be wearing. Most hypomanics are unstable and easily swayed. They are rarely people of sound judgment, since they are so often influenced by the ideas of others and blinded by their own enthusiasm. When faced with a demand for caution, they tend to override objections and bluster through. As a rule they find it hard or impossible to tolerate frustration, subordinate themselves to other people, or accept any criticism that might puncture their confidence. When things go wrong they protect themselves by shifting the blame to other people or by focusing attention on a new scheme of their own making. Under severe stress, these individuals may in some cases develop a manic-depressive psychosis

