
Hyperaldosteronism is an endocrine disorder caused by the adrenal glands’ production of very high levels of aldosterone which facilitates blood pressure. The main symptoms are high blood pressure and hypokalemia (low potassium level). High blood pressure may sometimes be manifested as headaches, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, and vision problems. Hypokalemia may cause palpitations, muscle cramps and weakness, fatigue, and increased urination and thirst.

There are two kinds of hyperaldosteronism: primary and secondary. Primary hyperaldosteronism or Conn’s syndrome is caused by tumor or inheritable issues which affect the adrenal glands. Secondary hyperaldosteronism is attributed to a factor outside the adrenal glands such as diuretic medications, heart failure, narrowing of renal artery, and liver disease which leads to reduced blood flow. Treatments include low salt intake, reducing alcohol and caffeine, medications (mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist), and surgery (removal of affected adrenal gland).
