Good Behavior Game

The Good Behavior Game is a behavioral classroom management technique which teaches pupils to display appropriate behavior which results to a positive learning environment. It rewards appropriate behaviors such as following instructions, good manners, and taking turns. This evidence-based strategy has been shown to effectively address aggression and unhealthy habits.

The general steps in implementing this intervention are:

1. Decide on the schedule of the game. The teacher specifies which periods of the class day will the game be played. It is usually at those times when the class is expected to exhibit appropriate behavior like during independent seat work, math activities, etc.

3. Decide on suitable rewards. Teachers need to identify the most appropriate reinforcements such as being the first ones to go out for lunch.

4. Introduce the game. The teacher presents the details and addresses queries regarding the difference between unacceptable and non-acceptable behavior, rewards, etc. The class is then divided into two groups.

5. Put the game into effect. The teacher carries on with the lessons as usual; the only difference is that during the game, she is publicly recording the students’ behaviors and scores.
