Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Conjunctivitis or pink eye is an inflammation of the conjunctiva of one or both eyes.

The symptoms include excessive tearing, gritty feeling, burning sensation, itching, swollen eyelids, light sensitivity, pinkish discoloration, and discharge.

The causes depend on the main types: allergic, infectious, and chemical. Allergic conjunctivitis is triggered by a foreign body. For instance, an individual’s conjunctiva may be irritated by pollen or mold spores which leads to eye inflammation. Infectious conjunctivitis can be caused by bacteria, or virus. As its name suggests, it can be highly contagious and calls for immediate medical attention. For instance, using a contaminated eye-liner may cause the infection. Chemical conjunctivitis can be caused by chlorine, air pollution, and other irritants. For instance, someone develops an eye infection after opening his eyes underwater in a public swimming pool. The treatments include cold compress, artificial tears, antibiotic ointments, eye drops, and topical steroids. For viral conjunctivitis, there are no treatments since the virus just has to run its course which may last for two to three weeks.
