Beck Hopelessness Survey Or Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS)

Beck Hopelessness Survey or Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) is a 20-item self-report inventory developed by Aaron T. Beck and colleagues in 1974 to quantitatively measure hopelessness; since hopelessness as a construct was initially regarded as impossible to empirically evaluate. The questions in this survey are answerable by a “yes” or a “no”, and the scores range from 0-20 with high scores indicating higher levels of hopelessness.

BHS is designed to measure three major areas of hopelessness, namely: feelings about the future, loss of motivation, and loss of expectations (hopes) of individuals aged 17-80. The scale purports to figure the extent of the respondents’ pessimistic view of the future.

Since BHS moderately correlates with Beck Depression Inventory, BHS may be used to determine suicidal risk among depressed people who have made suicidal attempts. In addition, this survey may be administered by paraprofessionals; however, it must be defined by professionals who are clinically trained and can employ psychotherapeutic measures.
