a personality disorder characterized by chronic engagement in antisocial behavior (not due to any other mental illness). This behavior pattern, which starts prior to the age of 15 and seems more common in males than females, includes infractions such as lying, stealing, fighting, truancy, vandalism, theft, drunkenness, sexual assault and/or substance abuse. After age 15, these behaviors continue with at least four of the following manifestations: (a) inability to work in a consistent manner (b) inability to function as a law-abiding, responsible parent, (c) repeated violations of the law in one or multiple domains, (d) inability to maintain an enduring sexual or romantic relationship, (e) frequent altercations inside and outside the home, (f) failure to repay debts and/or provide child support, (g) impulsive travel without planning, (h) repeated lying and manipulation, and extreme recklessness in driving, substance use, and other behaviors. Historically, the disorder was known by various other names, including dyssocial personality, psychopathic personality, psychopathy, sociopathic personality, and sociopathy.

