How do I calculate MSE?

Mean Squared Error (MSE) is a measure of the difference between two sets of values, such as the observed values and the predicted values. To calculate MSE, first calculate the difference between the observed and predicted values for each data point, square each of the differences, and then take the average of the squares. MSE is typically used to evaluate the accuracy of a prediction model.

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The mean square error (MSE) is a metric that tells us how far apart our predicted values are from our observed values in a regression analysis, on average. It is calculated as:

MSE = Σ(Pi – Oi)2 / n


  • Σ is a fancy symbol that means “sum”
  • Pi is the predicted value for the ith observation
  • Oi is the observed value for the ith observation
  • n is the sample size

To find the MSE for a regression, simply enter a list of observed values and predicted values in the two boxes below, then click the “Calculate” button:

Observed values:

Predicted values:

MSE = 2.43242

function calc() {

var obs = document.getElementById(‘input_data_obs’).value.split(‘,’).map(Number);

var pred = document.getElementById(‘input_data_pred’).value.split(‘,’).map(Number);

//check that both lists are equal length
if (obs.length – pred.length == 0) {
document.getElementById(‘error_msg’).innerHTML = ”;
//calculate RMSE
let error = 0
for (let i = 0; i < obs.length; i++) {
error += Math.pow((pred[i] – obs[i]), 2)

var RMSE = error / obs.length;
document.getElementById('RMSE').innerHTML = RMSE.toFixed(5);

else {
document.getElementById('RMSE').innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById('error_msg').innerHTML = 'The two lists must be of equal length.';

} //end calc function
