Add Single Quotes in Excel (With Examples)

The use of single quotes in Excel is a powerful tool in data analysis and manipulation. It is especially useful for dealing with text data, such as names, addresses, and other large sets of data. Single quotes in Excel allow you to quickly identify specific information, making it easier to organize and analyze large data sets. Single quotes can also be used to format text in a certain way, such as bolding or italicizing. This article will discuss the importance of using single quotes in Excel, and provide some examples of how it can be used.

There are two common ways to add single quotes to text in Excel:

Method 1: Use Double Quotes with Single Quotes


This particular example adds single quotes around the text in cell A2.

Method 2: Use CHAR(39)


This particular example also adds single quotes around the text in cell A2.

Note that CHAR(39) is the Excel character code for single quotes.

The following examples show how to use each method in practice with the following list of basketball team names in Excel:

Example 1: Use Double Quotes with Single Quotes

We can type the following formula into cell B2 to return the text from cell A2 surrounded with single quotes:


We can then click and drag this formula down to each remaining cell in column B:

Excel add single quotes

Column B now displays the text from each corresponding cell in column A surrounded by single quotes.

Example 2: Use CHAR(39)


We can then click and drag this formula down to each remaining cell in column B:

Excel add single quotes to text using CHAR(39) character code

Column B now displays the text from each corresponding cell in column A surrounded by single quotes.

Notice that this method also produces the same result as the previous method.

Feel free to use whichever method you prefer.
