Work Discrimination

Chronic Work Discrimination and Harassment (YES Study)
Developed for the YES Study
Here are some situations that can arise at work. Please tell me how often you have experienced them during the LAST 12 MONTHS.
1.    How often are you UNFAIRLY given the jobs that no one else wants to do?
2.    At work‚ when different opinions would be helpful‚ how often is your opinion not asked for?
3.    How often are you watched more closely than others?
4.    How often does your supervisor or boss use racial or ethnic slurs or jokes?
5.    How often does your supervisor or boss direct racial or ethnic slurs or jokes at you?
6.    How often do your coworkers use racial or ethnic slurs or jokes?
7.    How often do your coworkers direct racial or ethnic slurs or jokes at you?
8.    How often do you feel that you have to work twice as hard as others work?
9.    How often do you feel that you are ignored or not taken seriously by your boss?
10.How often do others assume that you work in a lower status job than you do and treat you as such?
11.How often has a coworker with less experience and fewer qualifications gotten promoted before you?
12.How often have you been unfairly humiliated in front of others at work?
Response categories: 1=Once a week or more‚ 2= A few times a month‚ 3= A few times a year‚ 4= Less than once a year‚ 5= Never
Chronic Work Discrimination and Harassment (Abbreviated)
Developed for the CCAHS Study
Sternthal et al‚ 2011
Here are some more situations that can arise at work. Please tell me how often you have experienced them during the past 12 months.
Discrimination (3 items‚ alpha =.73)
1.    How often do you feel that you have to work twice as hard as others to get the same treatment or evaluation?
2.    How often are you watched more closely than other workers?
3.    How often are you unfairly humiliated in front of others at work?
Harassment (3 items‚ alpha =.84)
1.    How often do your supervisor or coworkers make slurs or jokes about racial or ethnic groups?
2.    How often do your supervisor or coworkers make slurs or jokes about women?
3.    How often do your supervisor or co-workers make slurs or jokes about gays or lesbians?
Response categories: 1=Once a week or more‚ 2= A few times a month‚ 3= A few times a year‚ 4= Less than once a year‚ 5= Never

McNeilly‚ M.D.‚ Anderson‚ N.B.‚ Armstead‚ C.A.‚ Clark‚ R.‚ Corbett‚ M.‚ Robinson‚ E.L.‚ Pieper‚ C.F. & Lepisto‚ E.M. (1996). “The perceived racism scale: A multidimensional assessment of the experience of white racism among African Americans.” Ethnicity and Disease.; 6 (1‚2)‚ 154-166.

Bobo‚ L‚ Suh SA. (2000). Surveying Racial Discrimination: Analyses From a Multiethnic Labor Market. Prismatic Metropolis: Inequality in Los Angeles. (L. D. Bobo‚ M. L. Oliver‚ J. H. Johnson‚ A. Valenzuela‚ Eds.); 527-564.‚ New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Sternthal‚ M.‚ Slopen‚ N.‚ Williams‚ D.R. “Racial Disparities in Health: How Much Does Stress Really Matter?” Du Bois Review‚ 2011; 8(1): 95-113.
