Precarious manhood

1.    It’s fairly easy for a man to lose his status as a man.
2.    A male’s status as a real man sometimes depends on how other people view him.
3.    A man needs to prove his masculinity.
4.    A boy needs to become a man; it doesn’t ‘just happen.’
5.    The title of ‘manhood’ needs to be reserved for those who deserve it.
6.    You’re not a man if you don’t like masculine things.
1=Strongly Disagree‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4=Undecided‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7=Strongly Agree
This instrument can be found online at:

Vandello‚ J. A.‚ Bosson‚ J. K.‚ Cohen‚ D.‚ Burnaford‚ R. M.‚ & Weaver‚ J. R. (2008). Precarious manhood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology‚ 95(6)‚ 1325–1339.

Bosson‚ J. K.‚ Vandello‚ J. A.‚ Burnaford‚ R.‚ Weaver‚ J.‚ & Wasti‚ A. (2009). The links between precarious manhood and physical aggression. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin‚ 35‚ 623– 634.

Bosson‚ J. K.‚ & Vandello‚ J. A. (2011). Precarious manhood and its links to action and aggression. Current Directions in Psychological Science‚20‚ 82– 86

Bosson‚ J. K.‚ & Vandello‚ J. A. (2013). Hard Won and Easily Lost: A Review and Synthesis of Theory and Research on Precarious Manhood. Psychology of Men & Masculinity‚ 14(2)‚ 101–113

Kroeper‚ K. M.‚ Sanchez‚ D. T.‚ & Himmelstein‚ M. S. (2014). Heterosexual men’s confrontation of sexual prejudice: The role of precarious manhood. Sex Roles‚ 70‚ 1–13.

Himmelstein‚ Mary. SUZANNE. (2014). Masculinity‚ Gender Stereotypes and Doctor Preference. New Brunswick Rutgers‚ The State University of New Jersey. ma‎ster of Science dissertation.
